By BookBaby author Pat Fredshaw
Mind mapping is a technique for outlining information in diagrams using written text as well as lines, symbols, keywords, colors, and images.
A mind map is a visual diagram used to record and organize information in such a way that the brain finds it captivating and easy to process. A mind map can aid a writer in structuring and analyzing information, making relationships and interconnected content easier to comprehend, synthesize, and keep track of. It can also help you generate new ideas.
As a writer, mind mapping is a technique for drawing outline information of your book in diagrams instead of writing it in sentences. Mind mapping relies on large amounts of written text, but also incorporates lines, symbols, keywords, colors, and images.
There are several types of visual mapping. The type you might use will depend on the structure of information you are organizing, your purpose, goals, and personal preference. Types of mind maps include:
- Cyclical map. As the name suggests, a cyclical map represents key terms within stages in a cyclical process.
- Converging map. Used to represent causes that lead or join to a single action.
- Radial map. A radial map will have sub-topics emanating from a single thought or word.
- Comparison map. Used to compare two or more things. There is a central interlocking section that represents the shared characteristics.
- Linear map. These are lines drawn in a flowchart structure and they represent the linear stages of a process with a beginning and an end.
- Hierarchical map. This type of map is used to represent parts of a larger topic in an ascending or descending order.
- Interactive map. This is a map where elements will interlink with one another due to shared qualities or processes
Mind mapping by hand or app
You can create functional mind maps drawing by hand, or using a computer. There are several factors that will make you choose which method to use, including time available, the information you are representing, resources at hand, and the relationships between the information you are charting.
1. Hand-drawn mind maps
One benefit of hand drawn maps is that as you draw them, you expand your thinking and in the process, can generate more ideas on the topic you are illustrating. For ideas and inspiration, go to Mind Map Art.
To create a hand drawn mind map:
- Turn a blank page on its side and start writing at the center.
- Write your main idea here – or use an image or hand-drawn picture.
- Use colors to add life and to sort ideas by relevance to a subtopic or degree of importance.
- Add branches and connect them as they relate to the central image. You can add second and third level branches depending on how you classify our information. Make the branches free flowing and connected to each other.
- Consider making the branches curved rather than straight lines.
- Use one keyword per line.
- Use colors and images throughout.
Benefits of hand drawn maps include:
- Flexibility. Hand-drawn maps are flexible, allowing you to organically bend, juggle, and expand as necessary.
- Personality. A hand-drawn map is personal and unique to the writer who created it. No two hand drawn maps will be the same.
Disadvantages of hand drawn maps include:
- Time. This method can be rather time-consuming, especially when working with a variety of symbols, pictures or colors. Depending on the intricacies of your map, any modifications or edits can be difficult to make, depending on the nature of the change.
2. Computer-generated mind maps
These maps are much easier to use and are available at the click of a button. A lot of software applications have been developed, with new versions coming out all the time. Just do a search for “mind map app” and review the choices from your search results to find the app that best suits your needs.
Before settling on one to use, read reviews as this can be a guide. Many apps offer a free trial period. Some of the major apps are Mindjet Mind Manager, Concept Draw, Visual Mind, Novamind, and Inspiration – all which available free for a 30-day trial period. iMind Map is available for a seven-day trial period and there are several free apps, including Free Mind, Open Mind, and Smart Draw.
Benefits of computer generated mind maps include:
- Editing. You can easily add or delete information as necessary.
- Unlimited space. There are no space constraints – you can expand infinitely.
- Multi-dimensional. Information can be presented from different points of view.
- Ease of use. These apps make mind mapping easy.
Disadvantages of computer generated mind maps include:
- Impersonal. Depending on the app you choose, you’ll have different degrees of control of the output, but it’ll never be as personal and fun as a hand-drawn map.
3. 3D Mind Mapping
Also available is 3D mind mapping software. These packages immerse you in your content, helping you truly interact the information you are organizing from the inside. Download an app like Topiscape and try it out during the free trial period to get a real idea of what it can do.
Benefits of mind mapping to a writer
As a writer, mind mapping can:
- Help you organize and problem solve by helping manage the contents of your work in a graphical map.
- Can improve creative and critical thinking as you can piece together a story from bits of seemingly unrelated information.
- Aid in concentration. The interconnecting pieces, images, colors, and words of the map stimulate the brain as it helps organize the disparate pieces of information into a coherent whole.
- Improve the flow of ideas. Through a new understanding of the connections between different characters and pieces of information, you are better able to develop creative and unique situations you may not otherwise have considered.
- Make you feel more confident in your ability to manage the large mass of content you’ve created in the writing process.
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