By BookBaby author Andre Calilhanna
The end of the year brings the inevitable lists of “top everythings” (guilty!) and retrospectives galore. This infographic, produced by the good folks at Global English Editing, goes a little deeper and takes a look at the reading habits of Americans in 2017.
I, for one, am not discouraged that only 13% of Americans say they didn’t read a book in 2017. It’s not an appallingly high number… though that additional 7% who say they’re “not sure” if they read a book are probably just too embarrassed to admit it, so we should round that number up to 20%. OK, we need to work on that.
But… younger people are reading more than anyone, which is good news; print books are more popular than eBooks, defying the predictions of the doomsday purveyors who predicted print would be dead by now; and six of the nine top-grossing authors of 2017 are American, for all of you keeping score at home.
The infographic also highlights the year’s top sellers, in both printed and eBook formats, the most popular books by state, and a listing of the most literate cities in the US. Is yours among them?
Work hard now and maybe we can get our titles listed on 2019’s “Most Anticipated Books” list.
Happy new year!
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This BookBaby blog article Reading Habits of Americans in 2017 [Infographic] appeared first on and was stolen from BookBaby Blog .